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Mars Square Pluto

July 1, 2022 we have mars square pluto giving a powerful burst of energy. So what does this mean? What is mars? What is pluto? What is square? And most importantly, what does this mean for me?

July 8, 2022

July 1, 2022 we have mars square pluto giving a powerful burst of energy. So what does this mean? What is mars? What is pluto? What is square? And most importantly, what does this mean for me?

July 1st we have mars square pluto. So let’s break this down...

What is Mars? Mars is the planet of physical energy and governs your forcefulness and aggressions.

What is Pluto? Pluto is the planet of power, change, and transformation.

What is square? When there is a square aspect, it means that the planets are 4 signs apart, creating a square or angle of 90 degrees. Squares are considered a major aspect and typically indicate conflict or challenges. However, the chaos is meant to have a fundamental impact on the growth and build of your overall character.

So with mars square pluto we have a burst of aggressive energy, change and power that’s meant to transform and accelerate growth.

Be careful not to be overly critical of self or loved ones, and avoid placing blame. You might experience power struggles with this energy. Remember that the only thing you can truly control is your own reactions.

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